The Initiative for
Fair Open Access Publishing
in South Asian Studies

Profiteering and restricted access have led to a crisis in academic publishing, and transitioning to Fair Open Access is the best way out of this crisis. Since 2020, more than 140 scholars from the field of South Asian Studies have expressed their support for the Fair Open Access movement.
FAIR means that the opportunity to publish research results should only depend on the scientific quality – and not on the financial or institutional situation of the author.

OPEN ACCESS means that academic publications are made available to all readers free of charge.

SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES encompasses all disciplines in the humanities that deal with the cultures, languages and histories of the southern region of Asia (comprising the modern states of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka). South Asian Studies may also include research that deals with topics outside this region, provided they are historically or culturally linked to South Asia (e.g., yoga and Buddhism).

The aims of the FOASAS INITIATIVE are
  • to raise awareness about the crisis in academic publishing and to offer solutions for this crisis (see the 2020 Manifesto)
  • to promote FOA by maintaining lists of suitable publishers and journals
  • to increase the visibility of FOA publications by maintaining a list of FOA papers and books
The Initiative is run by a team consisting of Chiara Livio and its founders, Vitus Angermeier and Dominik A. Haas. We are convinced that FOA is particularly important in a field that involves authors and readers from very diverse financial and institutional backgrounds, and that transforming academic publishing in this field is vital for it to thrive and flourish. Our goal is to improve academic publishing for everyone involved: authors, editors, readers and users.

The 2020 Manifesto for
Fair Open Access Publishing
in South Asian Studies

Profiteering and restricted access have led to a crisis in academic publishing. The Fair Open Access movement is best promoted by mobilizing individual disciplines. With this manifesto, we, an open group of scholars of classical and modern South Asian Studies, declare our support for Fair Open Access publishing.

§1  As is well known, the impact of publications is very often contingent on factors independent of the quality of the research or the competence of the authors. This includes that the research is published in a renowned journal (or other publication medium), by a renowned editor, or – and this has become a major problem – by a prestigious publishing house.

§2  Most of the prestigious publication media are nowadays controlled by a small number of profiteering international publishers. These companies often sell their products at unjustifiably high prices. Much of the editorial work, on the other hand, is outsourced to researchers (or their co-workers, assistants, employees, secretaries etc.). Because they depend on the prestige capitalized on by the publishers, they generally do this without payment. This situation has led to a real crisis in academic publishing.

§3  The Open Access (OA) movement is a reaction to this development: the advance of digitization has made it easy to make the results of research freely available on the internet. OA publishing offers free access to research, regardless of an individual's financial means or affiliation with a subscribing institution. In the OA model, the individual reader does not pay (except, of course, in the case of printed works). Instead, the publication costs are borne by universities, libraries, scholarly societies, professional associations or other scholarly institutions. While in the wake of this development a number of institutions have founded in-house publishing projects, some commercial publishers have started to offer OA as well.

§4  In order to compensate for the revenue losses resulting from the free availability of OA publications, however, some profiteering publishers have begun to calculate special fees – imposed on the authors or their institutions. Most often, these fees are unjustifiably high and overcompensate for the production costs. As a growing number of academic institutions nowadays demand that the publications of their employees be OA, they are willing to pay these fees. They even regularly schedule a special budget to finance the publishers.

§5  Ultimately, however, it is the tax payers who have to pay, often several times: funding for research and researchers, library budgets for subscription fees, acquisition of overpriced books, processing costs charged by the publishers for OA publications etc. The only reason this system functions is that researchers and their institutions are dependent on the prestige that profiteering publishers have capitalized on for commercial benefit.

§6  This business model is contrary to the spirit of the sciences and the humanities, whose main task is to discover and to create knowledge and to communicate it to the tax paying public – by publishing their results in the truest sense of the word. It goes without saying that excellent scholars and institutions should work together with first-rate publishers and vice versa. But both excessive profiteering and exploitation through “voluntary” work should come to an end. If researchers and publishers are paid by tax money, then this must be done under fair conditions for all parties.

§7  We, an open and growing group of concerned scholars, are convinced that Fair Open Access (FOA) publishing is the best way out of this crisis. What FOA shall encompass is subject to open discussion. Most important is, in any case, a “separation of powers”: scientific quality and publishing services must be independent of each other. Building on the definition by the Fair Open Access Alliance (, we suggest the following guiding principles for FOA publishing:

1.Publications must be Open Access, either Gold or Green.
2.Authors must retain the control over their copyright and an explicit Open Access license should be used.
3.The possibility to publish should not depend on the financial situation of the author or on membership fees.
4.All costs and fees that arise in connection to the publication process must be transparent, fair, and in proportion to the work carried out.
5.Publishing houses – whether privately or publicly financed – should only act as service providers and as subcontractors.
6.The publication medium itself (a journal, book series, encyclopedia, etc.) should be controlled and governed by those who are qualified to evaluate its content. In other words, it should be in the hands of scholars alone.
7.The “brand” of the publication medium must not be the property of a profit-oriented organization, but, for instance, of a board of scholars, a non-profit association, a library etc.
8.Effort deserves recognition. The work done by publishers must be duly acknowledged in every publication, in parallel with that of researchers.
9.All those who contributed to the publication process in any substantial way must be credited. If parts of the production process were carried out by different persons, institutions or companies (paid or unpaid), all of them must be named.

§8  Since profiteering publishers will not give up their business model just because we say they should, we have to take action ourselves. Scholars (especially early-career scholars without tenure) need to publish in prestigious journals and books in order to build a CV that will impress hiring committees. Editors, on the other hand, may feel that they could betray the publishers they work with and that they could jeopardize their own position. In this way, many of us are compromised. But if we collectively make the effort to take a step forward, that will make a difference.

§9  As the FOA Alliance has shown with their initiatives in the fields of linguistics, mathematics and psychology, it is best to promote FOA from within the individual disciplines. In the (relatively speaking) small setting of a single discipline, people know each other and can form networks, spread awareness and join forces in order to implement FOA. When it is possible to assess each other’s work, commercially successful publishers are not needed to guarantee the quality of the research. In a community of trusted peers, it is easier to find and recommend FOA publishers and high-quality publishing media.

§10  As scholars and researchers, we should therefore take the following measures, whenever the circumstances permit:

1.Depending on our personal situation, we should avoid or even boycott profiteering publishers that base their business models on the capitalization of academic prestige (by demanding unjustifiably high Article Processing Charges etc.).
2.As authors, we should prefer FOA publishers over others when we have a free choice between several options. If we have no choice, we can at least suggest FOA alternatives.
3.As editors, we should think about FOA alternatives for our journals and books when we have the opportunity.
4.As reviewers, we shall continue to provide anonymous reviews of FOA publications without demanding compensation. In contrast, we could consider claiming compensation (financial or other) for reviews requested by non-FOA publishers.
5.As employers and financiers, when assessing the merits of a potential employee or of a project proposal, we shall begin to particularly value FOA publications (for example, when we have to decide between two otherwise equally qualified applications).
6.As potential founders of journals, book series or even publishing houses, we should consider realizing our plans according to FOA standards. If possible, we should request the support of one of the many institutions that are committed to implementing the transition to Open Access.


If you are a scholar of South Asian Studies (classical or modern, postgraduate or higher) and if you want to support the initiative, please send your name (and affiliation) to

We'll be happy to add your name to our list of supporters!

With the 2020 Manifesto for Fair Open Access Publishing in South Asian Studies, we, the undersigned scholars, declare our support for Fair Open Access publishing in classical and modern South Asian Studies. We are aware that this project will take time and that the old structures cannot be replaced today, or by tomorrow. We firmly believe, however, that the transition to this form of publishing is the best way forward in the long-term and that the time and effort needed in order to realize it are worth it.
Mark Allon, University of Sydney
Vitus Angermeier, University of Vienna
Raj Balkaran, Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies
Elena Bashir, University of Chicago
Richard Batchelor, University of Florida
Stefan Baums, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Ramkrishna Bhattacharya, Pavlov Institute
Amelia Bonea, University of Heidelberg
Joel Bordeaux, Stony Brook University
Adam Bowles, The University of Queensland
Simon Brodbeck, Cardiff University
Johannes Bronkhorst, University of Lausanne
Giulia Buriola, Università "Sapienza" (Rome)
Albion M. Butters, University of Turku
Tim Cahill, Loyola University New Orleans
George Cardona, University of Pennsylvania
Rocco Cestola, Leiden University
Debabrata Chakrabarti , Independent Scholar
Alaka Chudal, University of Vienna
Claudio Cicuzza, Webster University Thailand
Giovanni Ciotti, University of Hamburg
Bradley S. Clough, Penn State University
Lucy May Constantini, The Open University
Patrick T. Cummins, Cornell University
Daniele Cuneo, Sorbonne Nouvelle
Marzenna Czerniak-Drożdżowicz, Jagiellonian University Cracow
Dmytro Danylov, Institute of philosophy of H.S. Skovoroda NAS
Hugo David, École française d'Extrême-Orient
Kristen De Joseph, Leiden University
Elizabeth De Michelis, Independent Scholar
Jean-Philippe Dedieu, New York University
Lynna Dhanani, University of California Davis
Diana Dimitrova, Université de Montréal
Gordan Djurdjevic, Independent Scholar
Maya Dodd, Flame University, Pune
Sanne Dokter-Mersch, Leiden University
Svevo D'Onofrio, University of Bologna
Mercy Dutta, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Harry Falk, Freie Universität Berlin
Marco Ferrante, University of Oxford
Christian Ferstl, University of Vienna
Peter Flügel, SOAS, University of London
Camillo A. Formigatti, University of Oxford
Emmanuel Francis, CNRS
Eli Franco, Leipzig University
Oliver Philipp Frey, University of Vienna
Martin Gaenszle, University of Vienna
Martin Gansten, Lund University
Ge Ge, University of Vienna
Finnian M. M. Gerety, Brown University
Luis González-Reimann, University of California, Berkeley
Marie-Hélène Gorisse, University of Birmingham
Alastair Gornall, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Rebecca Ruth Gould, University of Birmingham
Alessandro Graheli, University of Vienna / Austrian Academy of Sciences
Laxshmi Greaves, Cardiff University
Cansu Gurkaya, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
John Guy, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Dominik A. Haas, University of Vienna
James Hartzell, University of Trento
James Hegarty, Cardiff University
Ann Heirman, Ghent University
Kathrin Holz, Universität Würzburg
Ute Hüsken, Heidelberg University
Dev Kumar Jhanjh, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Joanna Jurewicz, University of Warsaw
Durga Kale, University of Calgary
Katarina Katavić, University of Zagreb
Mrinal Kaul, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Birgit Kellner, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Jon Keune, Michigan State University
Ravi Khangai, Nagpur University
Thomas Kintaert, University of Vienna
Csaba Kiss, University of Naples “L’Orientale”
Sibylle Koch, University of Oxford
Magdalena Kraler, University of Vienna
Aaditya Kulkarni, University of British Columbia
Lars Peter Laamann, SOAS, University of London
Borayin Larios, University of Vienna
Corinne Lefèvre , CNRS
Lauren Leve, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Corinna Lhoir, University of Hamburg
Channa Li, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Chiara Livio, Sapienza University of Rome
Carola Erika Lorea, National University of Singapore
Timothy Lubin, Washington and Lee University
Christian Luczanits, SOAS, University of London
Viktoria Lysenko, Russian State University for the Humanities
Philipp Maas, Leipzig University
James Mallinson, SOAS, University of London
Patrick McAllister, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Ian McCrabb, University of Sydney
Werner Menski, SOAS, University of London
Axel Michaels, Heidelberg University
Marta Monkiewicz, University of Wrocław
Elena Mucciarelli, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Valters Negribs, University of Oxford
Lance Nelson, University of San Diego
Suzanne Newcombe, The Open University
Andreas Niehaus, Ghent University
Per-Johan Norelius, Uppsala University
Andrew Ollett, University of Chicago
Asko Parpola, University of Helsinki
Peter Pasedach, Hamburg University / Leiden University
Heidi Pauwels, University of Washington, Seattle
Cristina Pecchia, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Ryan Perkins, Stanford University
Andrea Marion Pinkney, McGill University
Catherine Prueitt, University of British Columbia
Neshat Quasier, Centre de Sciences Humaines
Gautham Reddy, Emory University
Nicolas Revire, Thammasat University Bangkok
Madhusudan Rimal, University of Alberta
Jana S. Rošker, University of Ljubljana
Serena Saccone, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Péter Sági, ELTE University, Budapest
Adheesh Sathaye, University of British Columbia
Patricia Sauthoff, University of Alberta
Anna Scarabel, Heidelberg University
Jacob Schmidt-Madsen, University of Copenhagen
Marine Schoettel, École Pratique des Hautes Études
Anna Lise Seastrand, University of Minnesota
Brigitte Sebastia, French Institute of Pondicherry
Sven Sellmer, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Sivaram Sivasubramanian, Jain (deemed-to-be-university)
Michael Slouber, Western Washington University
Caley Charles Smith, Young Harris College
Frederick M. Smith, University of Iowa
Barbora Sojkova, University of Oxford
Jayandra Soni, University Innsbruck
Carmen Spiers, French Institute of Pondicherry
Sylvia Stapelfeldt, University of Vienna
Ernst Steinkellner, University of Vienna / Austrian Academy of Sciences
Ingo Strauch, Université de Lausanne
Raik Strunz, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
Will Sweetman, University of Otago
Marleen Thaler, University of Vienna
Raffaele Torella, Sapienza University of Rome
Herman Tull, Lafayette College
Aleksandar Uskokov, Yale University
Victor A. van Bijlert, Universiteit Amsterdam
Markus Viehbeck, University of Vienna
Amandine Wattelier-Bricout, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Verena Widorn, University of Vienna
Nicholas Witkowski, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Michael Witzel, Harvard University
Lidia Wojtczak, SOAS, University of London
Dominik Wujastyk, University of Alberta
Fernando Wulff Alonso, Universidad de Málaga
Dominic Zoehrer, University of Vienna

Publishers & Journals

The following publishers and journals meet many or all FOA criteria (see §7 of the FOASAS Manifesto).


last update: 10/2022

services"ANU Press is Australia’s first open-access university press. Our authors publish peer-reviewed research on a broad range of topics including Asia and Pacific studies, Australian politics, humanities, arts, Indigenous studies and science."
relevant journals
book series
last check07/2021
services"Hamburg University Press veröffentlicht ausgewählte Werke von Wissen­schaftlerinnen und Wissen­schaftlern der Universität Hamburg sowie von weiteren wissen­schaftlichen und wissen­schafts­nahen Einrichtungen. Der Verlag unterstützt Wissen­schaftlerinnen und Wissen­schaftler so beim zeitgemäßen Publizieren zu wissen­schafts­freundlichen Bedingungen.

Die Publikationen werden jeweils unter einer Creative-Commons-Lizenz veröffentlicht. Diese Lizenz uterstützt die Verbreitung der Werke und fördert ihre Nachnutzung. Auf diese Weise werde Open Access und Open Science unterstützt.

Alle Werke werden in der Regel parallel als hochwertige Bücher im Print-on-Demand-Verfahren veröffentlicht. Die gedruckten Bücher sind über den Buchhandel und die Verlagswebseite bestellbar."
relevant journals
book series
Hamburg Buddhist Studies (postprint OA publication)
languagesGerman, English
last check07/2021
servicesFormerly CrossAsia-ePublishing. "HASP supports Open Access as a publishing model for the dissemination and advancement of knowledge and learning. We offer scholars in Asian Studies across the world the opportunity to publish their research results electronically, promptly and free of charge, thus increasing the visibility and impact of their publications. We publish both scholarly monographs, edited volumes and journals according to both the gold OA model, i.e. books are available in OA immediately, and the green OA model, i.e. the OA additional publication of a printed work (self-archiving)."
relevant journalsDastavezi: The Audio-Visual South Asia
Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies
Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics
Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Südasienforschung – IZAF
book series
Monographs on Indian Archaeology, Art and Philology
Media and Cultural Studies
languagesEnglish, German
last check05/2022
services"The mission of Heidelberg University Publishing is to provide open access to outstanding academic publications. We see the opportunities afforded by digital publishing as a way to advance the visibility of research output beyond the confines of academic disciplines. For us, this means that we publish open access, follow a consistent e-strategy, use innovative digital publication formats, and ensure quality with double-blind peer review. In addition to electronic formats, we offer high-quality printed versions of all our titles. Our decision to accept a submission does not depend on its provenance, but on its quality.

In keeping with our role as a Comprehensive University, we facilitate forms of interdisciplinary exchange that grow from the strengths of our academic disciplines. Our portfolio includes primarily monographs, edited volumes/proceedings, and textbooks. We also use innovative technology to publish scholarly illustrated books and multimedia objects. In all these endeavors, we collaborate with various national and international partners of the university."
relevant journals
book series
Documenta Nepalica
languagesEnglish, German
last check07/2021
services"OBP provides permanent and free access to our books for readers with no Open Access fees (also known as Book Processing Charges or BPCs) for the authors, and the majority of our titles are published under the most flexible reuse standard – the CC BY license."
relevant journals
book series
last check06/2023
services"Ubiquity Press is an open access publisher of peer-reviewed academic journals, books and data. We operate a highly cost-efficient model that makes quality open access publishing affordable for everyone."
relevant journalsAncient Asia
book series
last check06/2023
services"UCL Press combines the benefits of traditional scholarly publishing with open access dissemination to make books free to download in digital form. We welcome proposals for monographs, short monographs, edited volumes, and textbooks across all major disciplines in the Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences."
relevant journals-
book series
Economic Exposures in Asia (ed.: Rebecca M. Empson)
last check06/2023
services UniorPress is the University Press of the University of Naples "L'Orientale" and aims to produce quality academic editions and disseminate research products in Gold Open Access.
relevant journals-
book series
languagesItalian, English
last check02/2023

The above list is updated on an ongoing basis. If you represent a FOA publisher (see §7 of the FOASAS Manifesto) and would like to see your company or institution included in the list, please write to and provide the necessary information as shown in the entries above.


last update: 10/2022

key wordsasian studies
peer reviewdouble-blind double peer review
publisherFoundation Cultivate
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
OA typediamond
last check04/2024
key wordslinguistics, asian languages, translation studies, language education
peer reviewyes
publisherUniversity of Ljubljana
OA typediamond
last check04/2024
key wordsarchaeology, history, anthropology, art, architecture, numismatics
peer reviewdouble blind double peer-review
publisherUbiquity Press
fee£300.00; "Ancient Asia will waiver all fees from low and lower-middle income economies as defined by the World Bank"
OA typegold
last check04/2024
key words-
peer reviewdouble-blind peer review
publisherUniversität Fribourg
copyrightauthor and journal
OA typediamond
last check04/2024
key wordsfolklore, ethnology, anthropology, asian studies, diaspora
peer reviewdouble blind peer-review
publisherNanzan University in Nagoya / Boston University
copyrightjournal (Nanzan University)
OA typediamond
last check04/2024
key words -
peer reviewdouble peer-review
publisherCardiff University Press
OA typediamond
last check07/2021
key wordsarea studies, sinology, japanology, korean studies, indian studies
peer reviewdouble blind double peer-review
publisherLjubljana University Press
OA typediamond
last check04/2024
key words-
peer reviewdouble blind double peer-review
publisherEdizioni Ca’ Foscari, Venice University Press
copyrightnot stated
OA typediamond
last check10/2022
key words-
peer reviewdouble blind
publisherLibrary of the Copenhagen Business School
licenseCC BY
OA typediamond
last check05/2022
key words-
peer reviewdouble peer-review
publisherHeidelberg Asian Studies Publishing
copyrightnot stated
OA typediamond
last check05/2022
key words -
peer review"The review process is kept simple and short. […] Individual members of the editorial board may veto a submission because it does not meet expected scholarly standards."
publisherUniversity of Groningen Press
copyright"The copyright of the contributions remains with the author. Every author has the right to republish his/her material that has appeared in eJIM under the provision that the original source name of the online journal and the article is mentioned."
OA typediamond
last check02/2023
key words -
peer review"monitored for style and content by the Editor-in-Chief"
publisherHeidelberg Asian Studies Publishing
copyright"There is copyright but with automatic permission to publish anywhere else later on when the author wishes to do so."
OA typediamond
last check05/2022
key wordsinterreligious dialogue diversity, interdisciplinary research, religious contact and transfer
peer reviewdouble double-blind peer review
publisherCERES / KHK Bochum
OA typediamond
last check04/2024
key words-
peer reviewdouble-blind peer-review
publisherCentre d'Études Himalayennes
licenseCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0
OA typediamond
last check07/2021
key words -
peer review -
publisherHeidelberg Asian Studies Publishing
copyrightnot stated
license -
OA typediamond
last check05/2022
key wordsnepal, himalaya, himalayan, tibet, nepal studies
peer reviewyes
publisherAssociation for Nepal and Himalayan Studies
copyrightnot stated
OA typediamond
last check07/2021
key wordshistory of science, south asia, india
peer reviewyes
publisherUniversity of Alberta Library
OA typediamond
last check07/2021
key words -
peer reviewyes
publisherSOAS University of London
OA typediamond
last check06/2023
key words-
peer reviewdouble-blind peer review
publisherUniversität Graz
copyrightjournal / after three years: author
OA typediamond
last check04/2024
key words-
peer reviewyes
publisherThe University of Sydney
copyrightnot stated
OA typediamond
last check06/2023
key words-
peer reviewnot stated
publisherCSLI Publications
copyrightopen access
OA typediamond
last check06/2023
key words -
peer reviewyes
publisher -
copyrightnot stated
OA typediamond
last check06/2023
key wordsasian literature, asian history, african literature, african history
peer reviewdouble blind double peer-review
publisherUniversità degli Studi di Torino
OA typediamond
last check06/2023
key wordsglobal manuscript studies, digital manuscript research
peer reviewdouble blind
publisherUniversity of Pennsylvania Press
licensenot stated
OA typesubscribe to open
last check03/2024
key wordsmedieval studies, global history, trandisciplinary studies, intercultural studies, medieval history
peer reviewdouble blind
publisherAustrian Academy of Sciences Press
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
OA typediamond
last check06/2023
key wordsliterature, literary criticism, and literary history; traditions of performance; the history of art and architecture; philosophy and intellectual history; the history of religious ideas and movements; social and political thought
peer reviewyes
publisherThe University of Chicago Library
OA typediamond
last check06/2023
key words-
peer reviewdouble peer-review
publisherMembers of the Department of Linguistics and Philology at Uppsala University in Sweden
licenseCC BY
OA typediamond
last check06/2024
key wordssocial science studies
peer reviewdouble blind
publisherCentre d'Etudes de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud
copyrightnot stated
OA typediamond
last check06/2023
key wordsafrican studies, arabic and islamic studies, east asian studies, south asian studies, tibetan studies, assyriology
peer reviewdouble blind double peer-review
publisherFinnish Oriental Society
OA typediamond
last check06/2023
key words -
peer reviewdouble blind peer-review
licenseCC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
OA typediamond
last check04/2024
key words -
peer reviewdouble peer-review
publisherEdinburgh University Library
OA typediamond
last check06/2023
History, Source study and historiography, Languages and Literatures, Ethnic and religious minorities of Oriental descent in the Ukraine, Oriental artefacts on the territory of Ukraine, Religions of the East in system of state-confessional relations, Ukraine and the East, Modern East, Philosophy, Art history, Informational resources of the East, Legacy, Scientific and literary legacy of Ahatanhel Krymsky, Translations, Reviews, Chronicle
key words
peer reviewdouble blind
publisherA. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies
copyrightnot stated
OA typediamond
last check06/2023
key words -
peer reviewno
publisherGesellschaft für Religionskunde
OA typediamond
last check04/2024

The above list is updated on an ongoing basis. If you are an editor (see §7 of the FOASAS Manifesto) and would like to see your FOA journal included in the list, please write to and provide the necessary information as shown in the entries above.


The database of FOASAS publications is updated on an ongoing basis. If you would like to see a publication included in the database, please write to and provide the DOI or URL of the publication.

The database is generated using BibBase ( and Zotero ( with data from external sources. For more options visit the group library at It sometimes takes a while for the list to be generated and displayed, and there may be inconsistencies.

Imprint and Contact

The organizers of the initiative for Fair Open Access Publishing in South Asian Studies (FOASAS) are:

The aim of FOASAS is the promotion of Fair Open Access in South Asian Studies through direct action of scholars affected by the present crisis in academic publishing. For more details, read the manifesto.

With the exception of external logos, all parts of the website (including the manifesto, written by Vitus Angermeier and Dominik A. Haas in 2020) are licensed under the C0 public domain CC0 1.0 Universal – Public Domain Dedication.

To contact FOASAS please write an e-mail to